Job Application APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT (Pre-Employment Application, An Equal Opportunity Employer)Name Today's DatePresent AddressPermanent AddressPresent Phone Permanent PhoneAre you 18 years or older?YesNo If No, how old?Are you prevented from lawfully becoming employed in this country due to Visa or immigration status?YesNoEMPLOYMENT DESIREDPosition Date you can startAre you employed now?YesNo If Yes, by whom?Referred byEDUCATIONHigh School: Name and location Years Attended Graduate?College: Name and location Years Attended Graduate? Subjects StudiedOther: Name and location Other InformationGENERALSomething About YourselfWRITE DOWN THE BEST TIMES AVAILABLE FOR YOU TO WORK (deli hours: 7am-3am): Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat FORMER EMPLOYERS List below last three employers, starting with most recentJob 1: From-To(date/month/year) Employer Name Address Phone of Employer Salary Position Reason For LeavingJob 2: From-To(date/month/year) Employer Name Address Phone of Employer Salary Position Reason For LeavingJob 3: From-To(date/month/year) Employer Name Address Phone of Employer Salary Position Reason For LeavingREFERENCES Please give the name of one person not related to you, whom you have known at least one yearName PhoneBusiness Years AcquaintedIN CASE OF EMERGENCYName AddressPhoneHave you ever been convicted of a felony?YesNoIf so, for what?I certify that all the information submitted by me on this application is true and complete and I understand that if any false information, omissions, or misrepresentations are discovered, my application may be rejected and, if I am employed, my employment may be terminated at any time. In consideration of my employment, I agree to conform to the company's rules and regulations, and I agree that my employment and compensation can be terminated with or without cause and with or without notice at any time, at either my or the company's option. I also understand and agree that the terms and conditions of my employment may be changed with or without cause and with or without notice at any time by the company. I understand that no company representative, other than the president, and then only when in writing and signed by the president, has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specific period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the forgoing.I agree that the above is true (please type your name)Δ